Arizona Photography Videography and Wall Art


Couple of Snaps with the new 5d

Short Flagstaff Trip

Went to Flagstaff with some friends, had a great time getting out of the heat and the daily grind. Nothing quite like laying down in the middle of a greenbelt under a shady tree in 70 degrees!




After the Rain

Phoenix has been getting some great monsoons this year and Wednesday night produced one of the best rainstorms that I have had the pleasure of hearing and seeing since living in AZ. Flooded streets, parks and riverbeds that are still full of runoff make for some great scenery; the unfortunate byproduct is that it is now humid on top of being hot as an oven! Tonight, I was able to abscond away from the family and geek out in the riverbed at the end of our street. Some of the neighborhood boys were there already throwing rocks and doing what boys do…





and me trying my very best Ansel Adams…




While The Kids Were Asleep…

…from the car…kids in the back; gotta love that we still have to drive them around to nap



Boredom Strikes…

Friday night and a bottle of wine…incredibly bored so I did this little setup again and got a little tipsy in the process 🙂

Shooting in the Desert

Ok, on a day where it’s so hot that the adhesive on my camera is melting off, we decide to go shooting. My friend brought out his Mosin Nagant and destroy a few melons…got some videos that I will post later

One Shot

Setup, Frame, Shoot, Leave…Pretty happy with the result

Finished my DIY Slider

I picked up some materials from home depot and built this little camera slider. It works pretty well and gotta say i am proud of my half assed mechanical abilities 🙂

Video to come later…

Quick burner to Seattle and San Francisco

a quick work trip took to the pacific northwest and yes i got all touristy with my camera…I am really into post processing with a cinematic feel to the shot, tell me what you think!




Gotta Love Monsoons!

Sometimes we get spoiled looking at a painted sky…

Filming for a friend

Andrew Scherf and I went out one Sunday morning and put together a quick vid showing off his new skates. Filmed from 8 AM til about Noon; stacked some good clips and he put together this little edit: Enjoy


Arizona Z Project

I have been helping out my friend Adam Burghout, documenting his build of a Nissan 300ZX race car. Follow along if you are into that kind of thing:


Lazy Sunday…

Title suggests it all, just messing around with the camera and the kids. Here are two of the D:

Night time random fun!

Long exposures in the middle of the night are pretty fun. Shooting in pitch black (or very very very low light) is interesting because you never know the results. I liked these, even though I need to recreate with a much much better car!

San Diego Vacation

My family ventured out to San Diego to stay at the Paradise Point Resort for the past few days, and while the June Gloom was in full effect, it was refreshing to be away from home and out of the oven like heat that AZ has! Took plenty of pictures and will be uploading and posting as I can get to them! I wanna go back already!

My Wife’s Birthday…

Slaved over a hot oven for this…

So Bored…

Got an idea…it worked out alright…


Joe’s Garage

We spent Sunday with the family going over to a BBQ at Sue and Joe’s. Joe is nearly done rebuilding all of his toys, so I conveniently had my camera and took some pics and vids…










Saturday Hiking — It was only 85 Degrees today!!!

it was a great day outside to hike. The weather was amazing, and very unseasonable for basically June. Thunderbird park is actually a nice little trail with good sights…

I have turned into his personal photographer

Sunday Skate Day

Sunday Skate Day today, went out and traveled to the East Valley. Skated at Freestone Park, went to the Biltmore…Had a great time and didn’t kill my body any more than I needed too 🙂

This is Adam.

Adam is over 30 years old and still does stuff like this:

Flowers in my Front Yard…Yes I was bored

I took some pics with my fisheye and 30mm yesterday of the blooming mess that is my front yard…I need a good cheap landscaper

Shannon and Derek Ries! (Finally)

Our good friends Shannon and Derek got hitched last night. It was an awesome wedding and the first time in a long while that Amanda could cut loose. The weather was a bit worrisome through the day, but almost on queue, God shined through the clouds.

Congrats again to the Bride and Groom!

The Sunset they deserved

Easter with the Family

Had a great Easter celebration with the family yesterday. The kids played, hunted for Easter eggs and we all celebrated God with a lot of food 🙂

I am incredibly grateful for all that He has provided for me in my life. I am thankful for my wife and kids, I am thankful for my family.